The 4 Styles of Reading Tarot

The 4 Styles of Reading Tarot

Among the 4 styles of Tarot reading, which style would you prefer to receive as a Querent? and which style do you prefer to deliver as a reader? I’d love to hear from you, so please leave your comments below!

  • The Analytic style
  • The Therapeutic style
  • The Psychic style
  • The Magical style
The four styles of Tarot reading

Video source: Carrie Mallon

So, before your reading with any Tarot reader, I believe it is important for you to understand that among Tarot readers, there are 4 commonly known “styles” used when delivering a Tarot reading, and knowing the style of the Tarot reader before your reading, will better prepare you for what to expect.

tarot reading styles

With that being said, I would like to introduce my style of Tarot reading to you; My personal style has organically developed into what is known as a “Therapeutic Style”. I believe that the Tarot is a tool for personal growth and transformation, an opportunity to go deep into what lies below the surface. This means that my delivery is one of co-creation and collaboration with you. You could regard me as a “Tarot Life Coach” because your reading with me is going to be a conversation!

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