Sundee Bourret
Have you ever wanted to consult your Tarot in less than convenient places, or when privacy is a concern? ‘Tarot Deck in a Book’ is an all new concept for reading the Tarot. Inside the book you will find full-color pages that contain each Tarot card in the deck. Take a deep breath, concentrate on your question or concern, then simply open the book to reveal your card!
- Portable
- Convenient
- Discreet

ABOUT Sundee
She is deeply interested in all things related to the nature of reality beyond what is perceptible to the 5 senses. She is the author of ‘Tarot Deck In A Book’.

When you reach the end of what you should know, you will be at the beginning of what you should sense.
She is a life-long student of Metaphysics and the Esoteric, with a focus on the Tarot, numerology, astrology, the Law of Attraction, shadow work, spiritual ascension, vibrational healing and animal communication.
Sundee is a Sedona, Arizona based Tarot Life Coach, inspirational writer, amateur digital artist and horse-lover! She spends her days split between working with the tarot, studying from home, and spending time in nature… kayaking, exploring Sedona or with her horse, Mr. Ed.
Sundee Bourret
Book Author, Tarot Life Coach.